Considering dental implants Windsor?

If your smile has been affected by the loss of a tooth due to an accident or injury, it is highly likely that you have been researching solutions on how to replace the tooth and restore your smile to what it once was. Luckily, at Old Windsor dental practice based in Windsor, we offer new and existing patients dental treatments and services to keep our patients’ teeth healthy and to prevent any dental issues. So if you are currently dealing with a missing tooth or teeth and are looking for a long-lasting solution, you may want to consider dental implants

An insight into our practice, Old Windsor

Established in 1981, our practice Old Windsor aims to provide high quality routine and specialist services to our patients, including general dentistry, dental treatment for restoration and orthodontic treatments for both our child and adult patients. Not only have we invested in high quality equipment in order for our patients to have a comfortable experience with us, but we also ensure that we provide a friendly and warm atmosphere for all our visitors, as well as having access for the disabled and ensuring our practice is also wheelchair friendly.

What dental treatments do we offer at Old Windsor?

At Old Windsor dental practice our experienced team of dental professionals work together to provide dental services within the many areas of dentistry, including dental treatments for cosmetic procedures such as teeth whitening, inlays and onlays and porcelain veneers. We also provide services in preventive dentistry including mouth cancer screening and smoking cessation. For our patients who have missing teeth, at Old Windsor we offer our patients restorative dental treatments such as crowns, bridges, dentures, and as mentioned earlier, dental implants.

Dental implants Windsor

A long-lasting form of restorative dental treatment, dental implants Windsor work by being placed into the jawbone where the missing teeth should be. A dental implant is a metal screw typically made out of titanium. Under a local anaesthetic, a small incision is made in the jawbone in order for the dental implant to be inserted. Once the implant has been placed into the jaw, the remaining bone is stimulated which will then grow and mesh around the dental implant.

The healing process of this initial procedure is usually between eight to twelve months, but once the implant has fully integrated with the jawbone, an artificial tooth is made which is constructed to look like any remaining natural teeth and this is then placed on the metal screw.

The benefits of having dental implants

There are many benefits of having dental implant treatment at Old Windsor. Firstly, by replacing your missing tooth with a dental implant, functionality will be restored, meaning you will be able to eat and chew your food as normal without any complications. Dental implants are also made to look as natural as possible so that they do not stand out when placed next to your remaining teeth. Dental implants also help to retain your bone structure by stimulating the bone, meaning that the integrity of your facial structure is maintained and you do not acquire a ‘sunken look’.